Production of biological bedding material
- More than 1 mio cows worldwide rest on biologically produced bedding material produced by FAN machines
- high cow comfort
- clean cows
- no exposure to dust in the stable
- better health of animals and quality of milk (cell count)
Use of the solids directly after separation
- High dry matter content with the FAN Green Bedding Separator (up to 36%)
- Naturally, closed cycle on the farm
- The material is produced and used on the farm
- No additional purchase of expensive bedding material necessary(e.g sawdust)
- This investment pays back already after one year!
Ideal bedding material with constant quality
- Daily available bedding material in constant quality
- Disposal with the same machines as sawdust
- Suitable for low beds as well as covering for rubber mats
- High acceptance of the material by cows
- More and more businesses rely on this innovative system by FAN Separator
FAN BRU - Bedding Recovery Unit
- The solution for the production of bedding material for large industrial companies
- Production of up to 50m³ bedding material per day
- Hygienization of the material at a temperature of about 65°C
- Bedding material with a dry matter content of about 42%
- High cow comfort - short amortization time