The BAUER Group Academy has started its third year and offers a varied programme of technical trainings with practical orientation. These trainings provide the technicians and service employees with the necessary knowledge for
their daily practice.

High technical competence is the basis for your and our success!

Each course is designed as an intensive training with focus on start-up, service and maintenance work.
The trainings are suitable for employees of all levels. Please note, that the number of participants is limited.
Only this way we can guarantee the high quality of our trainings!

Please send your registration by e-mail the latest one month before the start of the training to
Ms. Marlene Rieber (

Secure your advantage in information and competence


Titel Datum Ort DE EN
Technical Training FAN (Pumps, Separators, Mixers, submersible mixers) 03.05. - 04.05.2022 Voitsberg/ Austria X  
BOOKED OUT - Technical Training FAN BRU 17.05. - 18.05.2022 Voitsberg/ Austria    
BOOKED OUT - Technical Training FAN (Pumps, Separators, Mixers, submersible mixers) 24.05. - 25.05.2022 Voitsberg/ Austria   X
Technical Training FAN (Pumps, Separators, Mixers, submersible mixers) 24.10. - 25.10.2022 Voitsberg/ Austria X  
Technical Training FAN (Pumps, Separators, Mixers, submersible mixers) 06.12. - 07.12.2022 Voitsberg/ Austria   X
BOOKED OUT - Technical Training FAN BRU 07.02. - 08.02.2023 Voitsberg/ Austria X X
Technical Training FAN (Pumps, Separators, Mixers, submersible mixers) 21.02. - 22.02.2023 Voitsberg/ Austria   X

General Information

Target groups
Service technicians, employees in the after sales and service area, warehouse workers.

Focus on daily practice of technicians
Start-up, service and maintenance
Detailed contents see training program.

Participation fee
In order to off er you professional trainings we invest a lot of energy and time and even use financial resources. Therefore, we would like to pass on a small part to you and consider it as a joint investment in the future. In order to secure you a decisive lead.

Price per training per participant: € 249,00 (plus 20% VAT)

Included in this fee are hotel, catering, training documents for all three days. Travel costs (flight, etc.) as well as hotel and food expenses outside training times have to borne by the participant. In addition, each participant receives as a welcome gift a set of work clothes.



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